Assurance and Authentication

You have worked hard to build your brand and brand equity. Consumer confidence, compliance, supply-chain risk and product liability are critical to both.

Assured Products Group Assurance and Authentication Solution provides the ultimate tool to help you manage all your  compliance obligations in countries where you sell your products. Our Product Centric solution extends to the consumer, unlike other testing centric solutions on the market, giving you more brand awareness and protection.

Integrated compliance through operations control:

  • Focus on your business, not on IT: Our open solutions deploy on your existing infrastructure in a matter of hours avoiding expensive development, customization, and overlay with traditional roles and responsibilities.
  • Improve performance: Embedded processes improve operational efficiency across your extended organization.
  • Increase visibility into your business: Embedded advisor and reporting functions provide in-depth and timely insight into all aspects of your supply chain stakeholders.
  • Manage testing/documentation: Gain complete visibility into the  testing and certification processes so that responsible parties will be able to view the status of tests and documentation at any time worldwide so you only have to complete them once per product.
  • Demonstrate due diligence: Our Complete Solution enables you to demonstrate due diligence for the Proposed CPSIA Testing and Certification rule, Canadian C-36 law, and the EU Toy Directive!
  • Business agility: Allows your company to respond more quickly to required change and improve your customer service to gain a competitive advantage. Designated parts requirements are handled seamlessly in our existing solutions.
  • Validate Authenticity: You, your retailers and consumers can see and verify product authenticity, origin and compliance 24/7 using any web interface, kiosk, text, or smart phone worldwide.

Let us show you how to manage and coordinate the common elements of sourcing, supply and compliance to produce operational efficiencies, decreased costs, and improved stakeholder and consumer confidence.

“Built-in, not added on or repackaged”

Product Assurance must be integral to management practices and pervasive in all processes and reporting. Outdated technologies and document management systems frequently provide a false sense of security.

In case of Audit or Recall, the ability to quickly and easily trace product to its source is invaluable. As the only company whose system has passed a CPSC audit, we know first-hand what is required.

We cover you from concept thru consumption!

 Manage your supply chain, compliance obligations and increase operational efficiencies without increasing your staff!

Assurance & Authentication Out of the Box Features & Benefits

Manufacturing and Operations ControlNo more worrying about status of your shipments as you have a cross sectional view of your supply chain. View as factory, manufacturer, distributor, or retailer. You assign a role to your contacts in each of these areas.
General Certificate of Conformity (GCC)Certificate of Conformity (CoC)Your manufacturer/ factory, creates the certificate in the system and you print/ email or you can make certificate available online to your Retailers, Suppliers, and Regulators.
Notification / Registration per CPSIAEmbed our registration page into your website and you have met regulations with added benefit of having ability for consumers to change ownership at any time, allowing you more success in event or notification or recall. Keeping track of ownership decreases warranty support costs.
Continuous Regulatory AbidanceAt all points during the Supply chain you are in Compliance with the law and all related events (from production to product registration) are documented and stored in system. No need to worry in case of audit. It is all there in one place!Answers existing and New requirements for designated parts.
Compliance AdvisorImbedded module tells you which tests are needed for products according to current law.Why pay for tests you do not need!
Records ManagementAll your GCC, CoC and Testing Certificates are stored in one place for access from required parties and  to simplify six year retention clause
24/7 Product Awareness WorldwideYou, your retailers and the consumer can verify product authenticity, origin and compliance 24/7 via their smart phone or by text message. You have a virtual salesperson by showing all relevant information tied to the verified product!

Assurance is much more than compliance – it provides a path to better business practices, satisfied investors and customers, and ultimately more revenue and market share as you increase supplier and consumer confidence, transparency and predictability in your product, and brand.

Compliance is more than a legal obligation – it is a path to better business practices, satisfied investors and customers, and ultimately more revenue since the consumer knows you care and has confidence in your products.